Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Where to begin...

Before Ryan and I were even married, we dreamed of having children.  We played the name game, picking out names we thought of and matching them with his last name to see if it had a "ring" to it.  We thought about who he or she would be most like...would they have his common sense, my lack of it, his ability to make or fix anything, my love of shopping, my eyes, his hair, etc.  I have dreamed of being a mom my entire life, however, I never truely thought about it really happening.  That may not make sense, but that's how I feel right now. I'm still slightly in shock that God has planned for us to begin our family. Ryan and I always said we weren't going to rush into having kids, but low and behold, God's plan was different than ours. Nine months after "I do" and we are counting down nine month's until parenthood. Everyone has said we would know when we were ready, and it's true.  In April, Ryan and I decided it was time.  So soon you may wonder? We don't.

April 26, 2011 was the day my life changed, forever.  That day, I became a mommy.  Well, at least that was the day I realized I was a mommy.  I have heard that some people have that innate feeling they are expecting, while others have no clue.  Well, I had that innate feeling. On April 26, I received the confirmation, not an official one from a doctor, but you get the point.  On May 24, Ryan and I got to see our little sprout for the first time on the ultrasound, and I must say that was incredible.  I never have been so tickled about anything in my life.  In fact, when the ultrasound tech was showing us the heartbeat, I couldn't contain my giggles! I was so excited to know that it was all real, and there was a little life in there! 

Now, as we begin this blog, I am 14 weeks and some days pregnant. A few people know the news, but we have not been broadcasting it by any means.  I guess that comes next, telling the world....

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, again! You two are going to be great parents! I can't wait to meet your precious baby. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. Love you guys :)
