Thursday, July 21, 2011

Playing catchup!

So it's been a while since I have updated, so I will try and play catch up.  We have been soo busy from visiting sick relatives, to dentist appointments, OB checkups, vacations, etc, but I think we are starting to settle down for the rest of the summer. If you work in the health care industry you have heard the phrase, "bad comes in 3's or 7's." This has been our luck here lately.  In the past month I have lost a close relative (miss you already Aunt Pat!), I've been diagnosed with a tumor like growth inside my lower right jaw, and Ryan's grandmother has been hospitilized (thankfully getting better each day). 
I was very close to my Aunt Pat, as she and her husband took care of my brother and I a lot growing up.  She was 84 and recently had surgery to remove several lesions on her intestines. She was in the hospital for 22 days before she left us to meet Jesus. Thankfully, she is no longer suffering. and I know she is happier there!
At my routine dental check-up, my dentist referred me to an oral surgeon to take a look at a bulge in my lower jaw bone back where the wisdom teeth are/or were located.  Upon his exam and panoramic x-ray, he found that the growth had not only taken over much of the bone mass, but had also grown out of the bone.  I took a pic of the x-ray with my cell phone! The large dark circle behind the molars...yea thats the one...Totally not supposed to be there...

He wasn't sure what, how, or why, so he scheduled me for a biopsy.  I had the biopsy done yesterday under local anesthetic.  I must say, that was pretty miserable.  I definately needed a sedative! Unfortunately, little baby Puckett say's otherwise, so I endured the grueling procedure that felt like I was having dental surgery with a pair of pliers! I am surprised I didn't pass out! I go back in a week for my post-op visit and hopefully by then he will have received the lab reports.  If it's benign, I can wait until the baby is born for treatment, and if it's not...well we will just have to find out what we will do then!
So now for some good news, Tuesday I went to the OB for my 2nd trimester check up and anatomy scan! Every think looked great on the sonogram.  They were able to tell the sex of the baby, but of course they didn't tell me.  The technologist was quite funny! She sealed the envelope with the answer in it so I couldn't cheat. Not that I wanted to! I don't want to spoil the surprise! We will find next Saturday, the 30th. AHH! Can't wait! I'm adding a couple of the US pics.  It's hard to believe this little baby is 4.5 inches long! So tiny, but it has a little face!

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